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Delve into a collection of thought-provoking blogs and heartfelt narratives, where Anette shares her soulful journey, wisdom, and captivating experiences. From reflections on self-discovery and personal growth to the power of laughter in spirituality, each blog post offers a unique perspective that aims to inspire, empower, and uplift your spirit. Whether you’re a soul seeker or a curious reader, this blog is a space to connect, explore, and embrace the beauty of life’s journey together.

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What is Solar Maximum and How Might It Affect Your Health

Welcome to solar maximum. This year poses to be a physically demanding time. The sun, a massive magnetic star, is at the peak of an approxmately 11-year cycle where sunspots on the sun’s surface are at maximum activity. Active sunspots drive vast amounts of energy into space in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), thereby changing the environment between Earth and the sun. This phenomenon is termed space weather.   How is the sun’s amped up activity and the space weather it generates affecting people on planet Earth? How might it be impacting your physical body?…

Who leads your life? Soul or Ego? Love or fear? Understand the difference.

We are all part soul, part ego—they are fundamental aspects of the human experience. Both are needed, in appropriate circumstances and measurements. “Coming from soul” means you are acting from a place of love. “Coming from ego” means fear is directing your behavior. Societies of the past honored a connection to inner wisdom but modern society has turned in a direction dominated by fear—ego. Modern life is ripe with fear-based triggers, and many people allow their ego to lead their lives, mostly. Fear signals danger and guides us to take action to ensure our safety. It is an apprpriate response…

Healthy Habits – A Call for Community Action

It’s abundantly clear to most people that our population is facing significant health challenges. There’s been a dramatic increase in degenerative diseases, rising obesity rates, and chronic illnesses have become the norm rather than the exception. Worsening mortality rates and a growing list of unfavorable health-related statistics can leave anyone wondering: why bother getting up tomorrow? To underscore this point, consider this recent statistic from the CDC: more than 40% of children and adolescents now have one or more chronic diseases. Life is cyclical. Every problem has a solution, and nothing lasts forever. Clichés abound when it comes to offering…

Kickstart Your Healthy Journey: The Ultimate Easy Health Tip

We all want to eat healthy, right? Science tells us to. Our bodies do too. We know we should pick the greens over sugar, soda, and shrink-wrapped items. Yet often we don’t. Many of us are struggling with sticking to healthy eating habits, making nutritional choices that don’t support a healthy body and well-being. From governmental food pyramids to MD influencer diet suggestions, ads for the latest superfood, and public health disease prevention advice, the message is abundantly clear: Eating healthy is a fundamental requirement to good health, not to mention thriving. What’s going on? We know the message—our long-term…

My author’s journey: how life’s unexpected twists led me back to my childhood dream

My author’s journey started in 1998 when “You got mail!” was as hot as technology got. My children’s adventure book, Rafters: The Adventure Begins, was published, and a captivating manuscript and a contract signature was all my new author status demanded. An agreement was in place with the publisher for a sequel, possibly a trilogy, and I was right where I wanted to be as a traditionally published author. But life had its own plot twist. My authorship was abruptly forced into a prolonged hiatus, and I had a lot of living, learning, and healing ahead of me. But I…

The Power of Laughing About Spirituality

A while back someone close to me nicknamed me the Hummer. Even though I’m not one to hum, the Hummer still sticks. It’s honestely not that unusual for my friends and family to react with headshakes or chuckles when they learn about, or even observe, one of my spiritual endeavors. Many friends agree: they too encounter the same sort of reaction when they reveal their spiritual undertakings to their private circle. And I’ll be the first to admit that there’s a lot to laugh about when it comes to the pursuits and activities I’ve undertaken in the name of discovering…

The Power Of Healing = Evolution​

Heal your life. Heal your body. Heal your relationships. Heal your traumas, your thyroid, your running stride, your office atmosphere, your dog’s barking. Heal. Heal. Heal. There’re a lot of calls to heal in the air, in the media, in the suggestions made by coaches, leaders, employers’ HR, spiritually minded people, and others. And some times it’s too much. What is this clamor for healing really about? Why do blogs, podcasts, YouTubes, TikTok videos, and books on healing—covering nearly every aspect of life on this planet—fill our 24/7 time? Why do ads for lifestyle coaches pop up every time I scroll looking for the phone…

The Power of Yes!

“Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into.” – Wayne Dyer The universe is abundant. Truly, it is. Yet, we separate ourselves from its overflow with doubt, questions, buts, resistance, judgments, beliefs. It is our collective inheritance to be lost in the consciousness of disconnection, in separation, in lack. “You, me, them, I don’t have…, no, if only…, they shouldn’t…, I can’t…,” are expressions of this mentality. Quantum physics—which deals with the basic building blocks of our world—provides us the vision that the universe is made up of interconnected energies manifested into observable matter. Quantum physics…

To keep it a joyful and not a stress-inducing task, I will write and post blogs when inspiration and my life facilitate it.