Anette Nilsson's Upcoming Memoir

Embark on an inspiring journey of hope, grace, love, and the healing power of truth in this upcoming memoir, coming Spring 2026.

Hi, I'm Anette

I am a passionate storyteller and a dedicated listener. Since the day I checked out my first library book, stories of people and places have intrigued me. Words hold immense power—they tie us to the past, point us forward, and connect us to the world around us.

I always knew my true calling was writing. My path to claim that place in the world hasn’t been linear, and unexpected twists and turns have brought wisdom, experiences, and a desire to help others share their stories too.

With my books, I aim to entertain, connect, and inspire readers.


As an advocate of self-development and holistic living, I am committed to inspiring you on your journey toward a more balanced, authentic, and joyful life. Explore the transformative power of these services and take a step closer to embracing the abundant potential within you.

Authentic Listening Sessions

Experience genuine and compassionate listening in a safe, judgment-free space, where your thoughts and feelings are heard.

heart-based books & blog

Immerse yourself in thought-provoking and soulful books, and explore an inspiring blog filled with insights and wisdom for personal growth and transformation.

Latest blog posts

Explore my thought-provoking and heart-centered blog posts where I share insights on personal growth, healthy, conscious living, and empowerment tools. Stay updated with my latest writing that aim to ignite the spark of transformation and empower you to lead a more authentic, balanced, joyful life

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What is Solar Maximum and How Might It Affect Your Health

Welcome to solar maximum. This year poses to be a physically demanding time. The sun, a massive magnetic star, is at the peak of an approxmately 11-year cycle where sunspots on the sun’s surface are at maximum activity. Active sunspots drive vast amounts of energy into space in the form of solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), thereby changing the environment between Earth and the sun. This phenomenon is termed space weather.   How is the sun’s amped up activity and the space weather it generates affecting people on planet Earth? How might it be impacting your physical body?…

Who leads your life? Soul or Ego? Love or fear? Understand the difference.

We are all part soul, part ego—they are fundamental aspects of the human experience. Both are needed, in appropriate circumstances and measurements. “Coming from soul” means you are acting from a place of love. “Coming from ego” means fear is directing your behavior. Societies of the past honored a connection to inner wisdom but modern society has turned in a direction dominated by fear—ego. Modern life is ripe with fear-based triggers, and many people allow their ego to lead their lives, mostly. Fear signals danger and guides us to take action to ensure our safety. It is an apprpriate response…

Healthy Habits – A Call for Community Action

It’s abundantly clear to most people that our population is facing significant health challenges. There’s been a dramatic increase in degenerative diseases, rising obesity rates, and chronic illnesses have become the norm rather than the exception. Worsening mortality rates and a growing list of unfavorable health-related statistics can leave anyone wondering: why bother getting up tomorrow? To underscore this point, consider this recent statistic from the CDC: more than 40% of children and adolescents now have one or more chronic diseases. Life is cyclical. Every problem has a solution, and nothing lasts forever. Clichés abound when it comes to offering…

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What my clients are saying

Read what my clients and community have to say about their transformative experiences, finding solace and embracing positive change through authentic listening sessions and heart-based guidance.

In Anette’s presence, I feel seen, heard, understood, and loved for who I am. With life’s many changes, at times I feel stuck, frustrated, and confused, but spending time with Anette gives me a new energy boost for life and all the things going on. I don’t feel alone when in her company because I sense all of her soul. I am so thankful for having met her. Anette is a heart-person, who is always honest and direct, and that means a lot to me. From day one, I’ve felt that she cheers me on, I feel her support and love, even when we don’t spend time together. Anette is an individual with so much love inside, and for this reason she has my highest recommendation.  

Tenna R

We all have a point in life, a so-called milestone where things turn around. Anette is such a point for me. Anette is a person who spends all her waking hours trying to lead the best life possible. I met her by chance several years ago and have been able to benefit from her experience. I wonder where I’d be now if we hadn’t met. I feel very lucky that we did.

Tom H

In 2020, I crossed paths with Anette in an online writer’s group, and our connection was immediate. Despite the physical distance between us, Anette embraced me wholeheartedly. During a challenging period in my life, battling depression and loneliness, I found solace in sharing my story with Anette. Her genuine concern and attentive listening allowed me to open up more freely. Whenever I felt overwhelmed, she would patiently listen and offer wise words of comfort, giving me reasons to hold on. Anette’s unwavering dedication to helping others without judgment left me in awe. Even now, we continue to share our conversations, and life has improved significantly. I trust Anette implicitly, and her belief in me, despite societal biases and differences, has been transformative. My story would not be complete without Anette’s invaluable presence and support.

Trey Pascal

Anette Nilsson is a wonderful person to talk to. She always listens intently and with interest, but also has a knack for asking questions and saying things that plant seeds and shake things up. Very rewarding.
Thank you Anette for everything you contribute. You always listen intently and with interest when we have conversations. Your ability to say things that plant seeds in me and ask questions that inspire me is so rewarding. Thank you, Anette.

Mette G